To analyse the method in terms of periosteal anatomy and regeneration ability. To elaborate the factors of influencing the repair effect, including nutrition in joint, joint motion, different direction of periosteal germinal layer, age and operation skill. 从骨膜的解剖生理功能和骨膜再生软骨能力两方面进行分析,并阐述了关节内营养环境、关节活动、骨膜生发层不同朝向、年龄及手术技巧等因素对移植修复的影响。
Periosteum the occurrence and growth process in the bone plays an important role in periosteal bone is the periosteum of the main function of the germinal layer of cells needed to have a fracture healing. 骨膜在骨发生及生长过程中起着重要作用,骨膜成骨功能主要在于骨膜的生发层,具有骨折愈合所需的细胞。